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Personnel Committee Minutes 09/15/05
Minutes September 15, 2005

Members Present:   Henry Burkin, Richard Williams, Max McCreery, Lois Norton, and Jennie Greene

Selectmen’s Representative:  Riggs Parker

Public:  Tim Carroll, Executive Secretary

The Meeting was called to order at 8:05 AM.

The minutes of June 10 were reviewed and discussed.  It was decided that the minutes should be provided to Jack Collins after the final edits were made and the minutes would then be approved.

The minutes of September 1 were approved with the following corrections:  remove the word “removal” from the Tri-Town paragraph so it will read that Tri-Town will review and may make revisions.  Mr. Williams made a motion to approve the minutes with minor corrections.  Mr. McCreery seconded and the vote was 4 in favor with one abstention (Ms. Norton).

Tim Carroll informed the Board that the Selectmen have approved a vehicle use reimbursement of $0.425 per mile.

The copy of the ADP benefits accrual was distributed as prepared by Chuck Hodgkinson.  The numbers were current to April 30th.  It was agreed that we still have to deal with the problem of persons who are on duty “24-7”.  The Board wishes to congratulate Mr. Hodgkinson for the great job in compiling the information.

The new Town policy regarding legal opinions was circulated.  In view of the need to have Jack Collins review the minutes of June 10 Riggs informed the Board that it would be appropriate to send the minutes to Jack, he will object to anything that he feels is in accurate.

It was agreed that the next meeting will be a work session to go through proposed policies.
It was agreed that we need to address the need to clarify the benefits that are accrued by the Building Inspector, the Fire Chief and similar positions.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 AM.

Respectfully submitted

Jennie Greene